Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Yay Tile!

One day's worth of tile work and the majority of the full tiles are down.

Tons of cuts to do but it's rolling.

Also it's hard to tell but the baseboard is up, painted and looking really good.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Kraki vs the Fridge of Doom

Appliances convey.

That's a phrase that brings a smile to a buyer's face. Well ok fine, some people don't care but it saved me a couple thousand bucks for a fridge, washer and dryer.

The only problem is they're "dirty". Dirty is a good word. It covers a whole entire gamut ranging from streaks on windows to mud covered trucks and hundreds of dust bunnies roaming the fertile plains of a bedroom.

Its companion "Clean" is just as broad. Years ago in a conversation about cleaning I came to the realization that different people have definitions of clean that may only intersect occasionally.

In this conversation we were talking about cleaning a wooden glass top table. Remove the stuff from the top, wipe it down, dust it, some windex and for me it is clean. One person disagreed. It wasn't clean until the glass was removed from the table and the underside of the table was clean. For myself, unless I saw something on the underside of the glass, it wouldn't have occurred to me to do that. Differing versions of clean.

I ramble on about clean because the people who lived in this house lived in a state of "clean" which I would call filth. I had an inkling of it when removing the carpet. Yes it didn't smell good and there was dog hair and dirt but I didn't expect nastiness of this degree.

I took no "before" pictures of the fridge. You wouldn't want to see them. Really. I was reluctant to put bottled water inside.

I mean it.

I should have worn gloves.

I will only go so far as to say that there was hair in the refrigerator...not A hair. Hair. Hair, how shall I say it...of varying curliness. At one point I just essentially hosed down the interior and wet/dry vac'd the bare concrete floor.

In any case, I now have a fridge into which I can put actual food I intend to eat. Shocking.

<----Clean Fridge. Yay.

<--Yes, a lot of bottled water.

<--Don't ask. I said it was nasty, remember?


Well, it's hard to tell but on Saturday the ceiling texture got applied. It took longer than predicted but it's done.

Paint should be going up Monday and Tuesday...walls and ceiling both.

As messy as the popcorn was to take down, the knockdown is just as messy going "up". The sprayer nozzle shoots it all over the place and occasional showers of that paste rolled through.

You can see a bit of the newly leveled floor in this photo if you stand on tiptoes, squint and lean a bit left.

Recall that I did say that my photography skill left something to be desired. You can't say that you weren't forwarned.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Popcorn be gone! Yay!

Getting closer to having the painting done.

Also starting to get the floor levelled out.

Good stuff.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Day 1 of people who know what they're doing working on the house.

I am put to shame in mere hours:

Drywall in living room repaired!

Pillars Removed and Tile Gone.

The weird banding which made the doorways narrower even got removed. (You can see it below on the pillar base that got removed).


I know there's something to having the right tools but knowing what the HELL you're doing is worth even more. I could have beat on it that like a crazy monkey for a week and I'd still have less done than this.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Picture/Text Layout

After fighting with this crappy composition interface, the previous post is semi-legible.

Apologies to anyone using IE to look at it, I'm giving up on making it line up even CLOSE to the same in both IE and Firefox. You guys with Chrome can just deal with it :P


Demolition Weekend (Part 2)

Sunday went very well: the fake hardwood floor is gone now along with the padding underneath. It was amazingly easy to pull up although I am glad that I was gentle with most of it since I'll need to use some of it in my bedroom.

More of those "built in" shelves were in my bedroom.

They're gone now, thankfully the previous owner half-assed them and one of them only had 3 screws holding it in. The other had 4 nails. Mostly they were being held up by the paint. I'm glad I didn't put anything heavier than my drill on them while I was underneath!

I am going to have to figure out how to patch the "hardwood" flooring since I wasn't planning on replacing the flooring in my bedroom yet. The corner TV stand thing that I pulled out still had the carpet under it. I shouldn't be shocked but it's a bit sad to see how badly these projects were done by the previous owners.

The other pic I took of that corner is too hard to see but even with the 2x4s in the way you can see the "wood" flooring end and the strip of carpet...giggity.